Thursday, March 25, 2010

DC CAS Test Review Resources

Students have been preparing for the DC CAS test. This test will be given during the final two weeks of April. In order to be fully prepared each student should work with their parents and look at the following resources:

1) click on "bank of released items" and on the next page click "grade 7 math" This will give you all of last year's test items with the answers (my computer gave me all the questions only if I clicked on the first part of 'grade 7' and not the pdf format.

2) click on "Assessment and Accountability" and under "DC CAS Information" click on "2010 DC CAS Resource Guide" This is an 112 page document. The 7th Grade Mathematics information can be found on Pages 55 to 60. These pages contain the testable standards and examples. Each student was given a 2010 DC CAS Math Blueprint that also indicates which operational standards they will be tested on.

Please spend a little bit of time over the next few weeks practicing concepts and questions for the DC CAS. If you have trouble solving a problem look in the Pre-Algebra textbook glossary. A key word in each standard will be in the glossary.
Mr. Sunukjian

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