Friday, March 19, 2010

3rd Advisory Math Project

The 3rd Advisory Math Project is:

Mr. Sunukjian is driving to Santa Barbara, CA and will average 60 mph. The distance to Santa Barbara is 2,800 miles from Washington, DC. Use 8.5 x 11 graph paper to neatly and accurately comlete the following parts:

1) Put your name and class period on the project
2) Create a table for Time (every 5 hours) and Distance
3) Make a graph from your table
4) Label your graph (heading, axis, and variables)
5) How far has Mr. Sunukjian traveled in 12 hours?
6) How long does it take Mr. Sunukjian to travel 1,400 miles?
7) How much time does the one way trip to Santa Barbara take?

This Project is Due Wednesday, March 24th

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks for posting the project because got a little confused on it