Thursday, February 25, 2010

Math HW (Pre and Post Snow Days)

Due to the snow days and field trips students have had less HW over the past few weeks than normal. Here is a summary of what they should have completed.
Pre Snow:
1) Page 272 (1-9, 55-56)
2) Page 277 (1-16, 49-50) "Ratios"
3) Page 278 (25-34)

Post Snow:
1) Page 282 (1-11, 54-56)
2) Page 290 (1-6, 30-31) "Proportions"
3) Page 295 (1-9, 24-25)
Ratio Quiz was given and returned to Students

This week:
1) Page 302 (1-15, 51) Scale Drawings
2) Page 309 (1-11, 31) Probability
3) Page 315 (1-6, 11-14, and 29-30) Counting Principal

Please make sure your student is getting their HW done and turned in (I put my signature on it when it is turned in). Students can show you all their completed work if they are organized.

Mr. Sunukjian

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