Sunday, August 21, 2011

First Day of School Year 2011-2012

Welcome Incoming 7th Graders!!!!!

7th Grade teachers will use this blog occassionally to post matters that affect the entire 7th grade population. To follow your teachers specifically, find their website on the right. Again, welcome to Hardy Middle School and let's make this your best year yet!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Movie Field Trip moved to Tuesday

The seventh grade students who have shown good effort and behavior in their classes this year have been invited to see "Kung Fu Panda II" at Georgetown Loews.  The date has been moved to Tuesday June 7th so it can be the same day as the 8th Grade field trip.  

We will be leaving from Hardy to walk (or bus) to the theatre and students must have $6 to buy their movie ticket.  Students should also bring a bagged lunch or money to buy lunch at the theatre.  Students are still required to wear the school uniform on field trips.

7th Grade Team

Friday, May 20, 2011

HW Set #24

These past few weeks students have begun chapter 2 and the study of algebraic properties. Their HW has been:

1) Page 66 (1-15)
2) Page 73 (1-10, 60-61)
3) Page 80 (1-9)
4) Page 87 (1-7) for this weekend

I apologize for not returning the Statistics Assessment students took last week. They have been graded and the scores just need to be entered into my grade book/computer. They will definitely get them back early next week.

Mr. Sunukjian

Algebra Periods 2 & 8 HW

These past two weeks students have started chapter 4 and begun their study of complex equations. The HW has been:

Page 166 (1-21, 53)
Page 173 (11-22, 29-32, 44)
Page 177 (1-13) for the weekend

Period 8 students may not have my signature on their HW's because I have missed some afternoons with DCPS meetings and time off. Period 2 students should have my signature on their HW's showing they have earned credit. Most students will have to review each lesson in their textbook because the concepts have been very challenging.

Mr. Sunukjian

Friday, May 6, 2011

Math HW Set #23

This week students prepared for and took their Statistics Assessment. They should have created their own study guide based on the concepts we reviewed in class. The only HW signed was Page 640 (3-6). Over the weekend there is an extra credit design pattern.

The Logic Quiz was returned this week and we will begin our Algebra Unit (chapter 2) on Monday.

Mr. Sunukjian

Algebra Periods 2 & 8 HW

This week the algebra students prepared for and took the Chapter 3 Test on equations. It was a very challenging test and students will get them back next week. It is extremely important for students to review this test and do the Test Corrections because chapter 4 also involves equations. If students want to remain in the algebra program they must master equations going into next year. The HW for the week was:

1) Chapter 3 "Need to Know" study guide
2) Page 151 Chapter Review (1-7, 13-51) Odd #'s only

There is an extra credit design pattern for students to complete this weekend. The Logic Quiz was returned this week.

Mr. Sunukjian

Saturday, April 30, 2011

4th Advisory Math HW Set #23

Students got back into the routine this week of daily lessons and HW. The HW due was Page 590 (3-6). This assignment completed our study of Statistics and Data. Next week students will review for a mini-test on Graphs (50 points) and Chapter 11 pages 581 - 596 has great content for their review. Also, students took a logic quiz on Friday and it will be returned by the end of the week.

Mr. Sunukjian
PS. Look for a 4th Advisory letter that students will bring home on Monday

Algebra Periods 2 & 8 HW

This week students got back into the routine of daily lessons and HW. The two assignments due were:

1) Page 142 (1-14, 36-39)
2) Page 147 (1-21)

Over the weekend the algebra students began their review for Chapter 3 with a "Need to Know" study guide. Their Chapter 3 Unit test will be this week. Also, students took a logic quiz last Friday and it will be returned by the end of the week.

Mr. Sunukjian
PS. Look for a 4th Advisory letter coming home with students on Monday

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring Break Math

Students did a great job giving their best effort on the DCCAS! Our school received good marks from DCPS observers for our testing environment. Therefore, as a reward, students will have no official Math HW over spring break.

This week students my students had one HW due on probability. For 7th Grade Math (periods 3,5,&6) it was Page 637 (1-8, 25) and for Algebra (periods 2 & 8) it was Page 136 (1-22).

Enjoy the break and Happy Easter,
Mr. Sunukjian

Monday, April 4, 2011

DCCAS Starts Tomorrow!

This past week all of my classes have been reviewing for the DCCAS.  Each student has received a "Study Guide" (sorry for the format change on google docs) and each student has been asked to bring a calculator to the first day of the Test.  the DCCAS only allows a calculator on the first math section.  Please encourage your student to give their BEST EFFORT on each and every question.  This begins with the preparation of an early bed time and protein rich breakfast.

There will be no math HW during this testing week.

Mr. Sunukjian

Friday, March 25, 2011

Math HW Set #22 Continued and Bring Calculator

This week students reviewed for the DCCAS and had two HW assignments:

1) Page 584 (1-5, 30) from last week
2) Page 803 (1-12) chapter 1 extra practice
3) Page 804 (32-39) chapter 2 extra practice

Students also need to bring a calculator (simple operations) this week to prepare for the DCCAS starting in April.

Mr. Sunukjian

Algebra Period 2 & 8 HW & Bring Calculator

This week students continued in Chapter 3 and took a quiz.  Their HW was:

3) Page 127 (4-28)
4) Page 128 (1-14)
and Page 131 (1-21) over the weekend.

Each student took a quiz on Thursday and period 2 students got theirs back on Friday.  Overall many algebra students are struggling with solving equations and many of them will need to get extra help.  I will be staying after school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for 30 minutes of tutoring.  Please recommend your student to attend if they need the help.

Also, each student needs to bring a calculator (simple operations) to school this week to prepare for the DCCAS starting in April.

Mr. Sunukjian

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Art Class Reports

Mrs. Carpenter sent home progress reports with her students on Thursday.  This report needs to be signed and returned on Monday March 21st.   Please review the progress of your student and encourage them to complete all their work with their best artistic effort.

Art Department

Algebra Period 2 & 8 HW/Projects/DCCAS

The algebra classes had 2 assignments due this week.

3) Page 121 (2-10, 26-44)
4) Page 127 (4-28)

Over the weekend students need to complete their projects due on Monday (march 21st).  See below project post for details.  Also, students are reviewing for the DCCAS.  This link provides access to "DCCAS Resource Guide" which has helpful information, standards, and practice problems for students.  The DCCAS testing window opens April 4th.

Mr. Sunukjian

Math HW/Project/DCCAS

This week students continued reviewing for the DCCAS.  Click on link and scroll to DCCAS Resource Guide.  This will provide helpful information, standards, and practice problems for students.  

There was one assignment corrected this week.  

1) Page 584 (1-5, 30)

Students need to finish their projects (see post below for details) this weekend to get full credit.  Every school day the project is late students lose 5 points.  The 3rd Advisory ends March 25th and the projects must be turned in to receive 3rd Advisory credit.  

Mr. Sunukjian

Friday, March 11, 2011

3rd Advisory Math Project

The 3rd Advisory project is Tables to Graph.  The project is Due Monday March 21st.  Every school day the project is late 10% will be deducted.  Students have the project instructions and need to be very detailed in their work.  Please look over the project before it is turned in to prevent errors.

Mr. Sunukjian

Algebra Period 2 & 8 HW

This week students finished chapter 1 and got their test scores.  Each student who scored under 90% were required to do "Test Corrections".  These corrections are to be completed by the end of the weekend.  The HW due this week was:

1) Page 111 (1-19, 34)
2) Page 117 (12-34)

Over the weekend students should start on their projects.

Mr. Sunukjian

Math HW Set #21

This week students took their Ratios unit test and began studying data displays.  I have not finished grading their test but will complete it by the end of next week.  Their HW was:

1) Page 318 (7-35 odd #'s only)
2) Ratio Study Guide (to be used on the unit test)
3) Page 595 (1-3)

Over the weekend students should work on their projects.

Mr. Sunukjian

Friday, March 4, 2011

Ancient Civilizations: Mr Foster

Mr. Foster's class will begin Chapter 10 next week: The History of the Hebrews

HW Set #20

This week students finished up the Ratios unit and they will be given a Unit Test next Tuesday (3/8/11). This week the HW was:

1) Page 309 (3-11)
2) Page 315 (1-8, 29-30)

Over the weekend students are to complete the chapter 6 review Page 318 (7-35 odd #'s only) and the Ratios Study Guide (which will be used on Tuesday's test). Students need to put in a couple of hours this weekend reviewing and studying.
Mr. Sunukjian

Algebra (per. 2 &8) HW

We finished up Chapter 1 this week and took the Chapter Test on Friday. Students completed the chapter review Page 51 (1-37) and had the option of completing page 55 (1-16) to help them study. The test will be handed back early next week and students will be required to correct any problems they missed.

There is no HW over the weekend :)

Mr. Sunukjian

Friday, February 25, 2011

History Fair Due March 3rd

Students should work on their History Fair over the weekend. They are due Wednesday March 3rd. For more information click on the link History Fair

7th Grade Team

Algebra (per. 2 &8) HW

Algebra students finished up Chapter 1 this week and will have a unit test at the end of next week.
Their HW due was:

10) Page 41 (1-9, 21-22)
11) Page 47 (3-8, 10-12)

over the weekend students should start Page 51 (1-37) for the chapter review but that assignment is not due until Wednesday.

Mr. Sunukjian

Math HW Set #19 Continued

We only had one HW this week (but it was broken up into 2 days).

Page 302 (2-11) day 1
Page 302 (12-19, 51) day 2

Students got their quiz back on Friday and need to review it with an adult.

Mr. Sunukjian

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Parent Conferences

Just a reminder that Parent Conferences are this Monday (2/28/11) from 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Unfortunately Ms. Bright (Spanish) and Mr. Sunukjian (Math) have other obligations this day. If you have questions for either teacher please email them and they will get back to you quickly.

Ms. Bright's email:

Mr. Sunukjian's email:

The other 7th Grade teachers look forward to seeing you Monday.

7th Grade Team

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Math HW Set #19

Students are applying their knowledge of ratios and using them in the solution of problems. There were three new assignments this week:

1) 292 (24-31)
2) 295 (1-5)
3) 296 (10-12, 24-25)

This weeks HW proved to be very challenging and you may want to review the concepts with your student. One option is to watch the videos on math playground (click on "Videos" and then under "Ratio and Proportions"). Students had a quiz today on the basics of Ratios and the quiz will be graded and returned early next week.

There is no HW over the weekend (which allows students to make up any missing assignments from this set). Enjoy the holiday!
Mr. Sunukjian

Algebra (per. 2 &8) HW

The algebra class is finishing up chapter 1 and had 3 new assignments this week:

7) Page 35 (1-16)
8) Page 38 (2-20)
9) page 97 (1-12, 39-40)

Students took a quiz and it was returned this week. There is no HW over the weekend.

:) Mr. Sunukjian

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Algebra (per. 2 &8) HW

This week we had our first Algebra Quiz which the students got back on Thursday. Their HW was:

4) Parent Signature for 2nd Advisory Grade print out
5) Page 29 (1-12)
6) Page 32 (1-24)

Over the weekend students can complete an extra credit design.

Mr. Sunukjian

Math HW Set #18

This week we continued our study of proportions. The HW was:

1) Parent Signature on 2nd Advisory Grade print out
2) Page 282 (1-11)
3) Page 283 (32-36, 54-55)
4) Page 290 (1-6)

Over the weekend students have an extra credit Design handout to complete.

Mr. Sunukjian

Monday, February 7, 2011

Math HW Set #17

This week students are studying different strategies to solve proportions. The HW due last week was:

1) Page 272 (22-32)
2) Page 277 (2-8)
3) Page 278 (17-26, 49)
4) Parent Signature on 2nd Advisory Grade print out.

We are in full swing for the 3rd Advisory and students need to complete ALL their homwork.
Mr. Sunukjian

Algebra (per. 2 &8) HW

This week we started work out of Chapter 1 in the purple Algebra books. Each student received a book to keep at home because I have a class set at School. The HW was:

1) Page 17 (1-27)
2) page 22 (1-31, 55)
3) Page 27 (1-36)
4) Parent Signature on 2nd Advisory grade print out

Each HW must include the question, work, and answer to receive credit. There will be a letter coming home this week to be signed by you and your student.

Mr. Sunukjian

Friday, January 28, 2011

Math HW Set #16 continued

This week students began their study of ratios and proportions. The HW collected was:

1) Page 807 (25-32)
2) Page 807 (13-20)
3) Page 272 (1-9)

This HW set will count for Advisory 3. Each student will receive a print out of their 2nd Advisory grade next week. This print out needs to be signed and returned for HW.

Mr. Sunukjian

Algebra (per. 2 &8) HW

My period 2 and 8 classes did a mini unit for data displays. The HW last week was:

1) Page 595 (1-4)
2) Page 584 (1-5)
3) Page 590 (1-5, 21-22)
4) Page 80 (1-5, 10-15)

We will start our study of Algebra next week. This will prepare students for Advanced Algebra (High School credit) next year.

Mr. Sunukjian

Friday, January 21, 2011

Math HW Set #16

Students finished up their study of Fractions and Mixed Numbers this week. There was a quiz on fractions and one HW on mixed numbers. The quiz will count for their 2nd Advisory grade but because students have up to one week to receive partial credit on missing HW Set #16 will count for the 3rd Advisory. Because of the holiday, 1/2 day, and quiz students did not have much HW this week and I will combine this set with next week's HW. Students should have completed:

1) Page 807 (25-32) due monday be continued next week

Special Note:
Some students schedule may change next week as I begin the advanced Algebra portion for 7th Grade. Students in my period 2 and period 8 classes will have different HW and I will label the posts with "Algebra" instead of "Math"

Mr. Sunukjian

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Math HW Set #15

This week we continued our study of fractions and began to focus on operating with Mixed Numbers. There were only two assignments due because of the ski trip and professional development day:

1) Page 245 (1-10)
2) Fraction Project --> 5 points deducted per school day after Jan. 12th

This 4 day weekend students can complete and extra credit report (see earlier posts) and review their study of fractions. This Wednesday students will have a Fraction Quiz. This quiz will involve adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions.

Mr. Sunukjian

Friday, January 7, 2011

Math HW Set #14

This week we continued our study of fractions and had three HW's due:

1) Page 24 (1-16, 76) "Absolute Value" re-teaching
2) Page 236 (9 - 20) adding/subtracting fractions
3) Page 240 (8 - 15) multiplying fractions

Over the weekend students can make up missing assignments from this week and work on their Fraction Projects (Due Wednesday Jan. 12th). For details of this project see my previous post below and click on the project link.

Mr. Sunukjian